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Personal rating scale
来源:  作者:  编辑:Electrical department  日期:2023-09-02  Click rate:8736  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

    Please read each of the following carefully,Figure it out and then base it on how you've actually been feeling for the last two months,Select the option that suits you。共计54An entry to4Grade score: (1I couldn't agree more.(2) Basically agree;(3) Basically disagree;(4Couldn't disagree more。







1I'm a sociable person。





2There have been times in recent days when I have been very disappointed in myself





3What bothers me is that I can't look better。





4I have no difficulty in maintaining a satisfying relationship。





5I am happier now than I have been in weeks。





6I am very happy with my physical appearance。





7Sometimes I don't go to ball games and informal sports, so I don't think I'm good at it。





8Speaking in public makes me uncomfortable。





9I would like to know more people, but I don't want to go out and meet them。





10Sports is one of my strengths。





11Academic performance is an aspect of showing my ability and letting others know my achievements。





12I'm better looking than the average person。





13I can't even imagine doing shows and speaking in public。





14When I think of most physical activities, I am filled with enthusiasm and desire rather than fear and anxiety。





15Even in situations where I had handled myself well in the past, I was still often unsure of myself。





16I often doubt that I have the talent to successfully achieve my professional and professional goals。





17I am better at sports than most people of my age and gender。





18I lack some important abilities that make me successful。





19When I speak in public, I am always confident that I can express my ideas clearly and effectively。





20I'm glad I'm pretty。





21I have come to realize that I am not a very good student compared to the people I am competing with。





22In recent days, I have been dissatisfied with myself more than ever。





23Not being good at sports is a big weakness of mine。





24For me, making a new friend is the pleasant feeling I look forward to。





25Many times, I feel that I am not as capable as many people around me。





26I hardly ever feel uncomfortable at a party or at many other parties。





27I doubt my own abilities less than most people。





28I have more difficulty than most people in establishing love relationships。





29Today I am more unsure of my abilities than usual。





30What bothers me is that I am inferior to others in intelligence。





31When things go wrong, I usually trust myself to handle them properly。





32I worry more than most about my ability to speak in public。





33I am more confident than most people I know。





34When I think about continuing to date, I feel nervous or unsure。





35Most people would probably consider me physically unattractive。





36When I take a new course, I can usually be sure that I will finish at the top of my class14内。





37I, like most, have the ability to speak in public。





38When I go to social gatherings I often feel awkward and uncomfortable。





39Usually my love life seems to be better than most people's。





40Sometimes I avoid class or other things because I don't want to speak in public。





41When I have to pass an important exam or other professional assignment, I know I can do it。





42I seem to be better at meeting new people than most。





43I'm more confident than usual today





44I avoid people with whom I might have a romantic relationship because I get too nervous。





45I wish I could change my appearance。





46I worry less than most people about speaking in public。





47Now I feel more optimistic and positive than usual。





48I've never had a problem attracting a coveted boyfriend or girlfriend。





49If I were more confident, my life would be better。





50I pursue intellectually challenging activities because I know I can do them better than most people。





51I can get many dates without difficulty。





52I don't feel as comfortable in a crowd as most people do。





53Today I am more sure of myself than usual。





54If I were better looking, I would be more successful in dating。







    Forward scoring questionsABCDRespectively represent1234Scoring;Reverse scoring questionsABCD4321计分。Reverse score question number:23789131518212223252829303234353840444549525354。Total score range54-216The higher the score, the higher the level of confidence。The scale is used to evaluate one aspect of self-evaluation&;mdash;&;mdash;self-assurance。It is generally believed that self-confidence is a person's sense of their own abilities and skills, is a subjective evaluation of their ability to effectively cope with various circumstances。

编辑:Electrical department
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