CPC Central Committee issues CPC Disciplinary Regulations
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CPC Central Committee issues CPC Disciplinary Regulations

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) recently issued a revised Regulation on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly comply with it。

  The circular pointed out that the Party's 20th National Congress made strategic arrangements for comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline construction。The Party Central Committee has revised the Regulations in order to solve the unique problems of large parties and improve the comprehensive system of strict Party governance。《全球十大外围足球平台》全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,Starting from the general source of the Party Constitution,Stick to a strict tone,Adhere to the combination of problem orientation and goal orientation,Improve discipline with The Times,We will further tighten political discipline and rules,Drive all disciplines to be strictly enforced,Send a strong signal that discipline will get tougher,We will play a role in addressing both the symptoms and root causes of discipline building,It will provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization。

  The circular requires that Party committees (party groups) at all levels should shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, earnestly grasp the implementation of the Regulations, resolutely investigate and deal with the problems of violating Party discipline, and effectively maintain the rigidity and seriousness of discipline。We must adhere to the Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline, incorporate the Regulations into compulsory training courses for Party members and cadres, and enhance the consciousness of compliance with regulations and discipline。We must adhere to the discipline in the front, promote the enforcement of discipline and law enforcement, accurate use"Four forms", the implementation of "three separate", strict management and supervision and encouragement of responsibility as a high degree of unity。Discipline commissions at all levels (discipline inspection groups) should earnestly perform their duties assigned by the Party Constitution, strengthen supervision and accountability, dare to be good at fighting, strictly enforce discipline and accurately enforce discipline, and constantly promote the development of comprehensive and strict Party governance in depth。All regions and departments shall promptly report to the Party Central Committee the important information and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations。

  The full text of the Regulations is as follows。

Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China

  (Review and approval by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on December 23, 2003 Issued by the Central Committee of the CPC on December 31, 2003 Issued by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on December 8, 2023 Issued by the Central Committee of the CPC on December 19, 2023)

Part I General Provisions

  Chapter I General requirements and scope of application

  Article 1 For the purpose of safeguarding the Party Constitution and other Intra-Party regulations,Strict party discipline,Pure party organization,We will protect the democratic rights of Party members,Educate party members to abide by discipline and law,We will safeguard the solidarity and unity of the Party,To ensure the implementation of the Party's theories, lines, principles, policies, resolutions and state laws and regulations,According to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China,Enactment of these Regulations。

  第二条 党的纪律建设必须坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,坚决维护以习近平同志为核心的党中央权威和集中统一领导,Carry forward the great spirit of Party building,Persist in self-revolution,We will implement the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era,We will work to solve problems unique to major parties and improve the system of strict party governance,Comprehensively strengthen Party discipline,It will provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization。

  Article 3 The Party Constitution is the most fundamental intra-party law and the general rule governing the Party。Party discipline is the rules of conduct that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must abide by。Party organizations and Party members must adhere to their original mission,Firmly establish political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,We have always been confident in our path, our theory, our system and our culture,Practice the correct view of power, achievements and undertakings,Consciously observe and uphold the Party Constitution,Strictly enforce and uphold Party discipline,Consciously accept Party discipline,Exemplary compliance with state laws and regulations。

  Article 4 The Party's disciplinary actions shall follow the following principles:

  1. Ensure that the Party manages itself and exercises comprehensive and strict self-governance。We will adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time, strengthen the education, management and supervision of Party organizations at all levels and all Party members, keep discipline in the forefront, catch small and early, and prevent small problems from growing。

  (2) All parties are equal before Party discipline。Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline must be strictly and impartially disciplined, and no Party organization or Party member is allowed within the Party that is not subject to discipline。

  3. Seeking truth from facts。Violations of Party discipline by Party organizations and Party members shall be based on facts, the Party Constitution, other intra-party regulations and state laws and regulations shall be used as the criterion, discipline and law enforcement shall be thoroughly carried out, the nature of the behavior shall be accurately determined, different circumstances shall be distinguished, and appropriate treatment shall be given。

  4. Democratic centralism。The implementation of Party discipline sanctions shall be decided by the Party organization through collective discussion in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and no individual or a small number of people are allowed to make decisions or approve them without authorization。Decisions made by higher-level Party organizations to deal with Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline must be implemented by lower-level Party organizations。

  Learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones and curing diseases to save people。When dealing with Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline, they shall combine punishment with education, so as to balance leniency with severity。

  Article 5 Deepen the use of supervision and enforcement of discipline"Four Forms",Frequent criticism and self-criticism,Timely talk to remind, criticize and educate, order inspection, admonish,Make "blushing and sweating" the norm;Party discipline light punishment, organization adjustment become the majority of disciplinary treatment;Party discipline punishment, major post adjustments become a minority;Very few people suspected of serious disciplinary violations were investigated for criminal responsibility。

  Article 6 These Regulations shall apply to Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline and shall be held accountable for Party discipline。

  Chapter II Violation of discipline and disciplinary measures

  Article 7 Any Party organization or Party member who violates the Party Constitution and other intra-party regulations, violates the laws and regulations of the State, violates the policies of the Party and the state, violates socialist morality, or endangers the interests of the Party, the state and the people and should be subject to disciplinary measures or sanctions in accordance with the relevant provisions must be investigated。

  Focus on investigating and dealing with corruption cases that have not converged or stopped since the 18th National Congress of the Party, concentrated problem clues, strong response from the masses, interwoven political and economic problems, and violated the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee。

  Article 8 Types of disciplinary measures against Party Members:

  (1) Warning;

  (2) serious warning;

  (3) to remove a Party post;

  (4) Be placed under probation in the Party;

  (5) Expulsion from the Party。

  Article 9 A Party organization that violates Party discipline shall be ordered by a higher level Party organization to make a written inspection or to circulate a notice of criticism。For a Party organization that seriously violates Party discipline and is unable to correct itself, the Party committee at the next higher level, after ascertaining and verifying the circumstances, may, according to the severity of the circumstances:

  (1) Reorganization;

  (2) Dissolution。

  Article 10 Within one year of receiving a warning, or within one and a half years of receiving a severe warning, a Party member shall not be promoted to a post within the Party or be further employed, nor shall he be recommended to a non-Party organization for a post outside the Party that is higher than his original post or be further employed。

  Article 11 The term "removal of a Party post" refers to the removal of a Party member who has been punished from a Party post elected or appointed by the Party organization。For those who hold two or more posts within the Party, the Party organization, when making a decision on disciplinary action, shall make it clear whether to remove all of their posts or one or several posts。If a decision is taken to remove one of his posts, the highest post held by him must be removed。If a decision is made to remove them from more than two offices, they must be removed in sequence, starting with the highest office held by them。For those who hold posts in non-Party organizations, it shall be suggested to the non-Party organizations to revoke their non-party posts。

  If a Party member who is removed from office due to suspected violation of Party discipline during the investigation of the case shall be given the punishment of removal of his or her Party post in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations after the examination, he or she shall be given the punishment of removal of his or her Party post in accordance with his or her original post。A serious warning shall be given to a person who should be subject to the punishment of removal of his or her post within the Party, but who does not hold a post within the Party。At the same time, those who hold posts in non-Party organizations shall propose that the non-Party organizations revoke their non-party posts。

  A Party member who is subject to the sanction of being removed from his or her post within the Party, or who is subject to the sanction of a severe warning in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall not, within two years, assume any post within the Party or recommend to a non-Party organization a post equal to or higher than his or her original post。

  Article 12 The punishment of probation in the Party shall be divided into one year and two years。If a Party member who has been placed under probation for one year still fails to meet the conditions for reinstatement of his or her rights as a Party member after the term expires, the period of probation shall be extended for another year。The maximum period of probation shall not exceed two years。

  A Party member shall have no right to vote, vote or stand for election while under probation。If, during the period of probation, he truly shows repentance, his rights as a Party member shall be restored after the expiration of the period;Whoever persists in refusing to change or discovers other violations of Party discipline that should be subject to Party discipline sanctions shall be expelled from the Party。

  If a Party member is placed under probation, his or her post within the Party will be revoked naturally。For those who hold posts outside the Party, the non-party organization shall be recommended to cancel their non-party posts。A Party member who has been placed on probation in the Party shall not, within two years after the restoration of his or her rights as a Party member, assume a post within the Party or recommend to a non-Party organization a post equal to or higher than his or her original post。

  Article 13 A Party member who has been expelled from the Party may not rejoin the Party within five years, nor may he be recommended for a post outside the Party that is equal to or higher than his original post。If there are other provisions that prohibit re-entry into the Party, such provisions shall apply。

  Article 14 If a Party member or cadre is subject to Party discipline and needs to be dealt with in an organizational manner at the same time, the Party organization shall give organizational treatment in accordance with the provisions。

  If a delegate to a Party congress at any level is subject to disciplinary measures above probation, the Party organization shall terminate his or her eligibility as a delegate。

  Article 15 Members of the leading bodies of Party organizations who are subject to reorganization shall be removed from their posts naturally, except for those who should be subject to a disciplinary action of revoking or above their posts within the Party。

  Article 16 Party members in a Party organization subject to dissolution shall be examined one by one。Those who meet the requirements for membership shall register again and join a new organization to lead Party life;Those who do not meet the requirements for party membership shall be educated and corrected within a time limit; those who remain unchanged after education shall be persuaded to retire or be removed from the party;Those who violate discipline shall be investigated in accordance with relevant provisions。

  Chapter III Rules for the application of disciplinary measures

  Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, a punishment may be given in a lighter or mitigated manner:

  (1) Voluntarily account for the issue that I should be punished by Party discipline;

  (2) In the process of organizing conversation letters, preliminary verification, filing and review, be able to cooperate with the verification and review work, and truthfully state the facts of my violation of discipline and law;

  (3) Reporting on issues that a co-defendant or other person should be subject to Party disciplinary sanctions or legal investigation, which are verified by investigation, or showing other meritorious service;

  (4) take the initiative to recover losses, eliminate adverse effects or effectively prevent the occurrence of harmful results;

  (5) to voluntarily hand over or return income earned in violation of discipline;

  (6) Other circumstances of lenient or mitigated sanctions as provided for by intra-Party regulations。

  Article 18 According to the special circumstances of the case, by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection or by the provincial (ministry) level commission for discipline inspection (excluding the deputy provincial municipal commission for Discipline Inspection) decision and submitted to the Central Commission for discipline inspection for approval, disciplinary violations of party members can also be mitigated in addition to the range of sanctions provided for in these Regulations。

  Article 19 A Party member who violates Party discipline shall be given a warning or a severe warning, but under any of the circumstances provided for in Article 17 of these Regulations or otherwise provided for in the specific provisions of these Regulations, he or she may be given criticism, education, ordered to be inspected, encouraged or dealt with by an organization, and shall be exempted from Party discipline sanctions。The party member who violates discipline shall be exempted from punishment and a written conclusion shall be drawn。

  If a Party member has a tendency to work style and discipline, or if the violation of Party discipline is minor, he or she may be given a talking reminder, criticism and education, ordered to inspect, or be given a warning and not punished by Party discipline。

  Party members shall not be held liable for Party discipline if their acts cause losses or consequences, but not intentionally or negligently, but due to force majeure or other reasons。

  Article 20 Under any of the following circumstances, a heavier or heavier sanction shall be given:

  (1) forcing or abetting others to violate discipline;

  (2) refusing to hand over or return income earned in violation of discipline;

  (3) After being punished for violating discipline, he shall be punished by Party discipline for intentionally violating discipline;

  (4) After being punished for disciplinary violations, it is found that he did not account for other issues that should be subject to Party disciplinary sanctions;

  (5) Other circumstances of heavier or aggravating sanctions as provided for by intra-Party regulations。

  Article 21 If a Party member is subject to further Party discipline sanctions within the affected period of Party discipline sanctions, the affected period shall be the sum of the affected period of the original sanction that has not been implemented and the new sanction

  Article 22 A lenient punishment means that a lighter punishment is given within the range of punishment that should be given to violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations。

  A heavier punishment means that a heavier punishment is given within the range of punishment that should be given to violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations。

  Article 23 A mitigated punishment means a punishment that is one step less than the range of punishment that should be imposed for violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations。

  Heavier punishment means heavier punishment in addition to the range of punishment that should be imposed for violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations。

  These Regulations provide for disciplinary violations of only one grade of expulsion from the Party, and the provisions of the first paragraph of the mitigation of sanctions shall not apply。

  Article 24 A person who has two or more violations of Party discipline as provided for in these Regulations shall be dealt with in combination, and shall be given a heavier punishment according to the highest punishment he should receive among the several violations of Party discipline;If one of the disciplinary violations should be subject to expulsion from the Party, it shall be subject to expulsion from the Party。

  Article 25 Where a discipline violation violates two or more provisions of these Regulations at the same time, it shall be dealt with qualitatively in accordance with the provisions of heavier punishment。

  The elements of discipline violation stipulated in one article are all included in the elements of discipline violation stipulated in another article. If the special provisions are inconsistent with the general provisions, the special provisions shall apply。

  Article 26 Where two or more persons jointly intentionally violate discipline, the person in charge shall be given a heavier sanction, except as otherwise provided for in these Regulations;Other members shall be punished separately according to their roles and responsibilities in the joint violation of discipline。

  For the joint violation of economic discipline, according to the amount of individual participation and the role played, respectively, shall be given sanctions。Where the joint violation of discipline is the first, the circumstances are serious, according to the total amount of the joint violation of discipline。

  Those who instigated others to violate discipline shall be investigated for Party discipline responsibility according to their role in the joint violation of discipline。

  Article 27 Where a leading body of a Party organization collectively makes a decision to violate Party discipline or commits other acts that violate Party discipline, members with common intent shall be dealt with as having jointly violated Party discipline;Members who negligently violate discipline shall be punished according to their respective roles and responsibilities in the collective violation of discipline。

  Chapter IV Disciplinary measures against illegal and criminal Party members

  Article 28 Party members who violate the law and commit crimes shall be given Party disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the provisions, so as to organically integrate applicable discipline and applicable law, and match Party discipline and government affairs。

  Article 29 Where a Party organization finds during disciplinary examination that a Party member has committed embezzlement, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, rent-seeking of power, transfer of benefits, malpractice for personal gains, waste of state funds, etc., in violation of the law and is suspected of criminal acts, the Party shall be revoked from his or her post within the Party, placed on probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party。

  Article 30 During disciplinary examination, a Party organization finds that a Party member has committed an act prescribed in the criminal law,Those that do not constitute a crime but must be investigated for Party discipline responsibility,Or commit other illegal acts that undermine the order of the socialist market economy or violate the administration of public security,Harming the interests of the Party, the state and the people,Depending on the specific circumstances, the Party shall be given a warning and even expelled from the Party。

  Those who violate the financial and economic discipline of the State and commit illegal acts in such financial and economic activities as revenue and expenditure of public funds, tax administration, management of state-owned assets, management of government procurement, financial management, and financial and accounting management shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Any Party member who commits such acts as soliciting prostitutes or smoking or injecting drugs, which are conditions for losing Party membership and seriously tarnish the image of the Party, shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 31 Where a Party organization finds that a Party member has seriously violated discipline and is suspected of committing an illegal crime during the disciplinary review, it shall, in principle, first make a decision on Party discipline sanctions, and after the supervision organ gives administrative sanctions or the appointment and removal organ (unit) gives sanctions in accordance with the provisions, transfer the Party to the relevant state organ for handling according to law。

  Article 32 If a Party member is detained or arrested in accordance with the law, the Party organization shall suspend such rights as the right to vote, the right to vote and the right to stand for election in accordance with its administrative authority。If the rights of party members can be restored according to the results of the handling by the supervisory and judicial organs, they shall be restored in a timely manner。

  Article 33 If the circumstances of a Party member's crime are minor and the people's procuratorate decides not to prosecute him or her according to law, or the people's court makes a guilty judgment according to law and exempts him or her from criminal punishment, the Party member shall be removed from his or her post in the Party, placed on probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party。

  If a Party member commits a crime and is fined alone, he shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 34 A Party member who commits a crime under any of the following circumstances shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) Being sentenced to the main penalty provided for in the criminal law according to law for an intentional crime (including a suspended sentence);

  (2) being deprived of political rights alone or in addition;

  (3) sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years (excluding three years) according to law for negligent crimes。

  Whoever is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or sentenced to public surveillance or criminal detention for negligent crimes shall generally be expelled from the Party。If an individual may not be expelled from the Party, it shall be reported to the Party organization at the next higher level for approval against the provisions on the approval authority of the disciplinary violation Party member。

  Article 35 Party members are investigated for criminal responsibility according to law,The Party organization shall be based on the effective judgments, rulings and decisions of the judicial organs and the facts, nature and circumstances determined by them,Party discipline shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations,For public officials, the supervisory organ shall give corresponding administrative sanctions or the organ (unit) appointing and removing them shall give corresponding sanctions。

  Where a Party member is subject to a disciplinary sanction, a disciplinary sanction or an administrative sanction given by an organ (unit) for appointment or removal in accordance with the law, and should be investigated for Party discipline responsibility, the Party organization may, after verification, give corresponding Party discipline sanction or organization treatment according to the facts, nature and circumstances identified in the effective sanction or administrative sanction decision。Among them, a Party member who is subject to a punishment of removal from office or above according to law shall be given a punishment of removal of Party posts or above in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations。

  Where a Party member is subject to other sanctions for violating the laws and regulations of the State, the rules and regulations of an enterprise or public institution or other social organization, and should be investigated for Party discipline responsibility, the Party organization shall, after verifying the facts, nature and circumstances determined by the relevant parties, give corresponding Party discipline sanctions or organizational treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions。

  After the Party organization has made a decision on Party discipline punishment or organization handling,Supervisory, judicial and administrative organs change judgments, rulings and decisions that were originally effective in accordance with the law,Have an impact on the original Party disciplinary sanctions or organizational decisions,The Party organization shall, in accordance with the changed effective judgments, rulings, decisions, etc., again make corresponding handling。

  Chapter V Other provisions

  Article 36 If a probationary member commits a violation of Party discipline and the circumstances are relatively minor and can retain his probationary membership, the Party organization shall criticize and educate him or her or extend the period of reserve;If the circumstances are serious, the probationary party membership shall be revoked。

  Article 37 Party members whose whereabouts are unknown after violating discipline shall be dealt with according to the circumstances:

  (1) If a Party commits a serious violation of discipline and should be expelled from the Party, the Party organization shall make a decision to expel the Party;

  (2) In addition to the circumstances provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the whereabouts of the missing persons have been unknown for more than six months, the Party organization shall remove them from the list in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution。

  Article 38 If a Party member who violates discipline dies before the decision on disciplinary action is made by the Party organization, or if it is found after his or her death that he or she has committed serious disciplinary violations, he or she shall be expelled from the Party.For those who should be given the following punishments under probation, a written conclusion on the violation of Party discipline shall be made and the corresponding handling shall be made。

  Article 39 The distinction of responsible persons for disciplinary violations:

  (1) The person directly responsible refers to a Party member or leading cadre of a Party member who, within the scope of his or her duties, fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties and plays a decisive role in causing the losses or consequences;

  (2) The principal leader responsible refers to the Party member leading cadre who, within the scope of his or her duties, fails to perform the work in charge or incorrectly performs his or her duties, and is directly responsible for the losses or consequences caused;

  (3) Important leading persons refer to Party members and leading cadres who, within the scope of their functions and responsibilities, fail to perform or incorrectly perform their duties in the work they are responsible for or participate in decisions, and bear minor leading responsibility for the losses or consequences caused。

  The term "leading responsible persons" as mentioned in these Regulations includes the principal leading responsible persons and the important leading responsible persons。

  Article 40 The term "voluntary confession" as mentioned in these Regulations means that a Party member suspected of violating discipline gives an account of his problems to the relevant organization before organizing a conversation or letter of inquiry and preliminary verification, or gives an account of the problems that the organization does not know during the conversation or letter of inquiry, preliminary verification and case-filing review。

  Article 41 If a Party member or cadre who holds a rank or a separate post sequence is punished for violating Party discipline and needs to adjust his or her rank or separate post sequence, the provisions of these Regulations on non-Party posts shall be applied。

  Article 42 The calculation of economic losses shall include all property losses actually caused at the time of filing the case, including all kinds of expenses and expenses paid for the recovery of losses caused by violations of discipline。Economic losses that continue to occur from the time of filing to the time of handling shall be included in the calculation。

  Article 43 The economic benefits obtained from the violation of discipline shall be collected or ordered to be returned or compensated。The income for violations of discipline and the compensation for economic losses voluntarily handed over shall be received and collected or returned to the relevant units or individuals in accordance with regulations。

  For the post, rank, title, educational background, degree, award, qualification and other benefits obtained from the violation of discipline, the discipline inspection organ that has undertaken the case or the discipline inspection organ at its higher level shall recommend the relevant organization, department or unit to correct it in accordance with the provisions。

  For Party members who are dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 38 of these Regulations, the benefits derived from the conduct of disciplinary violations are confirmed by investigation, and shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Article。

  Article 44 After the decision on Party discipline is made,An announcement shall be made within one month to all members of the primary-level organization of the Party to which the punished Member belongs and to them themselves,Those who are members of the leading group shall also announce to the leading group of the Party organization,And according to the administrative authority of the cadres and organizational relations, the materials of the disciplinary decision shall be classified into the archives of the recipients;Those who are subject to disciplinary measures such as removal from party posts or above,It shall also go through the corresponding formalities for change of position, salary, work and other relevant benefits within one month;Involving the cancellation or adjustment of their non-Party posts,Non-party organizations shall be recommended to cancel or adjust their non-party posts in a timely manner。Under special circumstances, the handling period may be appropriately extended with the approval of the organization that made or approved the decision。The maximum time limit shall not exceed six months。

  Article 45 The organ that implements the decision on Party discipline sanctions or the unit to which the punished Party member belongs shall, within six months, report the implementation of the decision to the organ that made or approved the decision。

  If a Party member refuses to accept the disciplinary action imposed on him, he may lodge an appeal in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant provisions。

  Article 46 If a Party member is punished for violating Party discipline, the Party organization need not cancel the punishment upon expiration of the period of influence。

  Article 47 The above and below mentioned in these Regulations shall include the respective levels and numbers unless otherwise indicated。

  Article 48 The general provisions of these Regulations shall apply to other Intra-Party regulations that provide for Party discipline, except where there are special provisions in other Intra-Party regulations promulgated or approved for promulgation by the Central Committee of the CPC。

Part II of the Provisions

  Chapter VI Sanctions for acts violating political discipline

  Article 49 Whoever does not agree with the Party Central Committee on major issues of principle and commits actual remarks or acts or causes adverse consequences shall be given the sanction of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 50 Through the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, leaflets, books, etc,Or use lectures, forums, reports, symposia, etc,Publicly stated the position of upholding bourgeois liberalization and opposing the four basic principles,Articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. of the opposition party's reform and opening policy,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who publish, broadcast, publish or publish the articles, speeches, declarations or statements mentioned in the preceding paragraph or provide convenient conditions for the above acts shall be given a serious warning or be removed from their posts within the Party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 51 Through the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, leaflets, books, etc,Or use lectures, forums, reports, symposia, etc,Do one of the following,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,Be expelled from the Party:

  (1) Publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. that violate the four basic Principles, violate or distort the Party's decision on reform and opening up, or cause serious political problems;

  (2) Wildly discussing the major policies of the Party Central Committee and undermining the centralization and unity of the Party;

  (3) defaming the image of the Party and the country, or denigrating or slandering Party and state leaders and exemplary heroes, or distorting the history of the Party, the history of the People's Republic of China, or the history of the People's Army。

  Those who publish, broadcast, publish or publish the contents listed in the preceding paragraph or provide convenient conditions for the above acts shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 52 Production, sale and dissemination of newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products and electronic reading materials listed in Articles 50 and 51,As well as network text, pictures, audio, video and so on,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who enter or leave the country without permission newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products or electronic reading materials listed in Articles 50 or 51 shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning if the circumstances are serious;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Those who without permission read, browse or listen to newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products or electronic reading materials, as well as online texts, pictures, audio or video materials, which are listed in Articles 50 or 51, shall be given a warning or a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party。

  Article 53 Whoever organizes a secret clique within the Party or other activities to split the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Anyone who participates in a secret clique or other activities to split the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 54 Conducting non-organizational activities within the Party, such as organizing groups, forming parties for personal gain, forming cliques, political affiliations, and cultivating individual forces,Or by engaging in interest exchange, to build their own momentum and other activities to gain political capital,Give him a serious warning or be removed from his post within the party;Causing the deterioration of the political ecology of the region, department or unit,They shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 55 Whoever engages in speculation, associates with political swindlers or is used by political swindlers shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from his post within the Party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Those who act as political swindlers shall be revoked from their posts within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 56 Any leading Party member or cadre who acts independently in a place under his or her own jurisdiction or in a department under his or her own jurisdiction, practices the "mountain doctrine", refuses to implement the major policies and principles determined by the Party Central Committee, or even sets up another set without the Party Central Committee's knowledge, shall be subject to the punishment of being removed from his or her post in the Party, placed on probation or expelled from the Party。

  Those who make statements but fail to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, or who are not resolute in implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, discount them or adapt them, thereby causing adverse political impact or serious consequences, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Those who engage in departmental or local protectionism in disregard of the overall situation of the Party and the State shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 57 The performance view of Party members and leading cadres is misplaced,It violates the new development concept and deviates from the requirements of high-quality development,Causing considerable losses to the interests of the Party, the state and the people,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  It's a waste of money and labor"Image projects" and "political performance projects" shall be given heavier or heavier punishments。

  Article 58 Disloyalty or dishonesty to the Party,duplicity,Praise but not praise,Conceal the truth from others,Play both sides,Be two-faced,Politically damaging,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 59 Whoever manufactures, spreads or disseminates political rumors and undermines the solidarity and unity of the Party shall be given the sanction of a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who have bad political conduct, make false accusations anonymously, intentionally frame or fabricate other rumors, and cause damage or adverse effects shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 60 Whoever, without authorization, makes a decision on a major policy issue that should be decided by the Party Central Committee or makes a statement to the outside world shall be given a severe warning or be dismissed from his post within the Party for those who are directly responsible or those who are responsible for leading the party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 61 Those who fail to request instructions or report major matters to the organization in accordance with relevant provisions, and those who are directly responsible or those who are leading the responsibility, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Article 62 Those who interfere with the work of inspection Tours or fail to implement the requirements for rectification of inspection Tours, and those who are directly responsible or those who are leaders responsible, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given disciplinary warnings or serious warnings;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 63 Whoever commits any of the following acts in resistance to organizational review shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) confessing in collusion or forging, destroying, transferring or concealing evidence;

  (2) preventing others from exposing or providing evidentiary materials;

  (3) harbouring a co-conspirator;

  (4) providing false information to the organization and covering up the facts;

  (5) Other acts of examination against organizations。

  Article 64 Organizing or participating in an assembly, a procession, a demonstration or other activities involving the basic theories, lines, strategies or major principles and policies of an opposition party,Or by organizing lectures, forums, reports, symposia, etc,The basic theory, basic line, basic strategy or major principles and policies of the opposition party,Causing serious adverse effects,For planners, organizers and key elements,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Other participants or those who support the above activities by providing information, materials, property, venues, etc., if the circumstances are relatively minor, the punishment of warning or serious warning shall be given;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who are coerced into participating without knowing the truth and show genuine repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Those who participate in other assembly, procession, demonstration and other activities without the approval of the organization, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 65 Those who organize or participate in organizations aimed at leading the opposition, opposing the socialist system or hostile to the government shall be expelled from the Party as Party planners, organizers and key elements。

  Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 66 If anyone organizes or participates in a guild or cult organization, the planners, organizers and key members shall be expelled from the Party。

  Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Participants who do not know the truth and show repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Article 67 Those who engage in or participate in sowing discord, undermining ethnic relations and creating trouble, or participate in ethnic separatist activities shall be expelled from the Party。

  Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who are coerced into participating without knowing the truth and show genuine repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Those who have committed other acts contrary to the policies of the Party or the State, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 68 Those who organize or use religious activities to undermine the theories, lines, principles, policies and resolutions of opposition parties and undermine national unity shall be expelled from the Party as Party planners, organizers and key elements。

  Other participants shall be revoked from their posts within the Party or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who are coerced into participating without knowing the truth and show genuine repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Those who commit other acts in violation of the Party's or State's religious policies, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 69 Ideological education shall be strengthened for Party members who believe in any religion and they shall be required to make corrections within a time limit.Those who have not changed after being assisted in education by Party organizations shall be advised to quit the Party;Those who refuse to withdraw shall be removed from the list;Those who participate in incitement activities using religion shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 70 Whoever organizes superstitious activities shall be stripped of his party post or placed under probation in the Party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who participate in superstitious activities or engage in superstitious activities by themselves, resulting in adverse effects, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Participants who do not know the truth and show repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Article 71 Those who organize or use clan forces to oppose the Party and the government, hinder the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the state, as well as decisions and arrangements, or undermine the construction of primary Party organizations shall be expelled from the Party。

  Other participants shall be revoked from their posts within the Party or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who are coerced into participating without knowing the truth and show genuine repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not punished。

  Article 72 Whoever applies for political asylum outside the state (territory) or at a foreign embassy (consulate) in China, or escapes outside the state (territory) or at a foreign embassy (consulate) in China after violating discipline, shall be given the punishment of expulsion from the Party。

  Those who publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. of the opposition party or the government outside the country (territory) shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Whoever intentionally provides convenient conditions for the above acts shall be given the sanction of probation or expulsion from the Party。

  Article 73 If, in foreign-related activities, his or her words and deeds cause a bad political impact and harm the dignity and interests of the Party and the State, he or she shall be removed from his or her Party post or placed under probation.If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 74 Failure to fulfill the responsibility of strictly governing the main body of the Party and its oversight, or failure to fulfill the responsibility of strictly governing the main body of the Party and its oversight,Causing serious damage or serious adverse effects to Party organizations,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 75 Leading Party members and cadres shall not report, resist, or fight against wrong thoughts and acts that violate political discipline and rules,Leave unattended,Make peace and harmony without principles,Causing adverse effects,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 76 Whoever violates the Party's fine traditions, working practices and other Party rules, thereby causing adverse political influence or serious consequences, shall be given the sanction of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Chapter VII: Sanctions for acts violating organizational discipline

  Article 77 Whoever, in violation of the principle of democratic centralism, commits any of the following acts shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation:

  (1) Refusing to implement or arbitrarily changing major decisions made by Party organizations;

  (2) In violation of the rules of procedure, an individual or a small number of people decide on major issues;

  (3) Deliberately circumventing collective decision-making and deciding on major matters, the appointment and removal of important cadres, the arrangement of important projects and the use of large amounts of funds;

  (4) Collective violations in the name of collective decision-making。

  Article 78 Where a lower-level Party organization refuses to implement a decision made by a higher-level Party organization or arbitrarily changes it, the person who is directly responsible and the person who leads the responsibility shall be given a warning or a severe warning.If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Article 79 Whoever refuses to carry out the decisions on allocation, transfer, or exchange of Party organizations shall be given a warning, a serious warning, or be dismissed from his post within the Party。

  Anyone who refuses to implement the above decisions of the Party organization during a special period or under an emergency shall be placed under probation in the Party or expelled from the Party。

  Article 80 In the disciplinary examination of Party organizations, if a Party member who is obligated to testify according to law and regulations refuses to testify or intentionally provides false information, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 81 Whoever commits any of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning:

  (1) violating the provisions on personal reporting of relevant matters and concealing them;

  (2) failing to truthfully explain a problem to the organization when it conducts a conversation or letter of inquiry;

  (3) failing to report as required or falsely reporting personal whereabouts;

  (4) not truthfully filling in personal file information。

  Those who commit any of the acts prescribed in paragraph 2 of the preceding paragraph and at the same time provide false information to the organization or cover up the facts shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 63 of these Regulations。

  Whoever tampers with or forges personal archival materials shall be given the sanction of serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Those who conceal serious mistakes made before joining the Party shall generally be expelled from the Party;Those who have been members of the Party for many years and have consistently performed well, or who have made outstanding contributions to their work, shall be given serious warnings, removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 82 Where leading Party members, in violation of relevant regulations, organize or participate in spontaneously established associations of fellow townsmen, alumni associations, comrade-in-arms, etc., if the circumstances are serious, they shall be given a warning, a severe warning, or be dismissed from their posts within the Party。

  Article 83 Whoever commits any of the following acts shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) engaging in non-organizational activities such as canvassing and campaigning in democratic recommendation, democratic evaluation, organizational inspection and intra-party elections;

  (2) engaging in non-organizational activities in violation of organizational principles in voting or election activities as prescribed by law, and organizing, encouraging or inducing others to vote or vote;

  (3) engaging in other activities during elections that violate the Party Constitution, other intra-Party regulations and relevant articles of association。

  Whoever engages in organized solicitation for votes or uses public funds to solicit votes for bribes shall be given a heavier or heavier punishment。

  Article 84 In the selection and appointment of cadres,There are acts in violation of the rules on the selection and appointment of cadres, such as nepotism, exclusion of opponents, vowing to make promises, interceding intervention, promoting officials to important positions, and sudden promotion or adjustment of cadres,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Where serious consequences are caused by the negligence of the personnel, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 85 In promoting the work of leading cadres to be able to move up and down, we shall do a good job of humanism, and those who commit any of the following acts shall be given a warning or serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation:

  (1) Avoiding organizational adjustment by party discipline and government affairs;

  (2) Replace Party discipline and government affairs with organizational adjustment;

  (3) Other acts of avoiding serious matters and dealing with them lightly。

  Article 86 In the recruitment, assessment, promotion of posts and ranks, evaluation and appointment of professional titles, honors and commendations of cadres and employees,The awarding of academic titles and the recruitment and placement of retired soldiers and other work,Concealing or distorting the truth,Or taking advantage of his power or position to seek benefits for himself or others in violation of relevant regulations,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who resort to fraud to obtain positions, ranks, professional titles, benefits, qualifications, academic qualifications, degrees, honors, titles or other interests shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 87 Whoever infringes upon a Party member's right to vote, the right to vote or the right to stand for election, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Any Party member who, by coercion, threat, deception or solicitation, obstructs his or her independent exercise of the right to vote, the right to vote and the right to stand for election shall be removed from his or her post in the Party, placed on probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party。

  Article 88 Whoever commits any of the following acts shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning to those who are directly responsible and those who are in charge;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) obstructing or suppressing criticism, reporting or accusation, or privately withholding or destroying materials of criticism, reporting or accusation, or intentionally disclosing them to others;

  (2) suppressing the Party member's defense, defense, testimony, etc., resulting in adverse consequences;

  (3) suppressing complaints by Party members, causing adverse consequences, or failing to handle complaints by Party members in accordance with relevant provisions;

  (4) Other acts infringing upon the rights of Party members, resulting in adverse consequences。

Those who retaliate against critics, informants, accusers, witnesses or other personnel shall be given a heavier or heavier sanction。

  Article 89 Violating the provisions of the Party Constitution and other Intra-Party regulations,By resorting to fraud or other means, those who do not meet the conditions for becoming party members are promoted to become party members,Or issuing party membership certificates for non-Party members,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,The party shall be given the punishment of dismissal from party posts。

  Where a party member is recruited in violation of relevant prescribed procedures, those who are directly responsible and those who are responsible for leading the party shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 90 Whoever, in violation of relevant regulations, acquires a foreign nationality or obtains permanent residence status or long-term residence permit outside the country (territory) shall be revoked from his post within the Party, placed under probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party。

  Article 91 In violation of the relevant provisions, the application for exit permits or permits for Hong Kong and Macao for private purposes,Or enter or exit the country (border) without approval,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Although approved for private travel (territory), but there is unauthorized change of route, no valid reasons to stay beyond the scope of approval to go abroad (territory), the circumstances are relatively serious, given a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 92 If a Party member of an institution stationed abroad or a temporary mission (group) going abroad leaves the organization without authorization, or if a Party member engaged in foreign affairs, confidential affairs, military affairs, or other work contacts or interacts with organizations or persons outside the country (territory) in violation of relevant regulations, he or she shall be given a warning or a severe warning or be dismissed from his or her post within the Party。

  Article 93 If a Party member in an institution stationed abroad or in a temporary overseas mission (group) leaves the organization for less than six months and returns voluntarily, he or she shall be removed from his or her Party post or placed under probation;Those who leave the organization for more than six months shall be dealt with as having left the Party on their own and shall be expelled from the Party。

  Whoever intentionally provides convenient conditions for others to leave the organization shall be given a warning, a serious warning, or be dismissed from his position within the Party。

  Chapter VIII Sanctions on Acts violating honesty discipline

  Article 94 Party members and cadres must correctly exercise the power entrusted to them by the people, be honest and honest, oppose ideas and phenomena of privilege, and oppose any abuse of power or pursuit of personal gains。

  If he takes advantage of his power or position to seek benefits for others, his spouse, children, spouses and other relatives or other specific related persons accept money or property from the other party, if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 95 Mutual use of power or position influence for the other party and their spouses, children and spouses and other relatives, staff around and other specific related persons to seek benefits and engage in power trading,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 96 Conniving and acquiescing in spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives, staff around them and other specific related persons taking advantage of the influence of Party members and cadres' functions and powers or positions for personal gain,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Where the spouses, children, spouses and other relatives of Party members and cadres and other specific related persons do not actually work and receive salaries or receive significantly more than the standard salaries of the same rank despite their actual work, and the Party members and cadres know and fail to correct, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 97 Accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards (vouchers), securities, stocks, other financial products and other property that may affect the impartial performance of official duties,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Accepting other property that obviously exceeds the normal exchange of gifts shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 98 Presents gifts, cash, consumption cards (vouchers), securities, stocks, other financial products and other assets that obviously exceed the normal exchange of gifts to persons engaged in public affairs, their spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives and other specific related persons,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Gifts given in the name of lecture fees, research fees, consulting fees, etc., shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 99 Whoever borrows money, housing, vehicles, etc. from the object of management or service, which may affect the impartial performance of public duties, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Those who obtain large returns through private lending and other financial activities, which may affect the impartial execution of public duties, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 100 The use of power or position of influence to handle weddings and funerals,Causing adverse effects,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,The party shall be given a punishment of removal from party posts;Taking the opportunity to amass wealth or committing other acts infringing upon the interests of the state, the collective and the people,A heavier or more severe punishment,Until he is expelled from the Party。

  Article 101 Whoever accepts or provides banquets or arrangements for travel, fitness, entertainment and other activities that may affect the impartial performance of official duties, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given the punishment of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Article 102 Obtaining, holding or actually using sports fitness cards, clubhouse and club membership cards, golf cards and other consumption cards (coupons) in violation of relevant regulations,Or enter private clubs in violation of relevant regulations,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 103 Whoever, in violation of relevant regulations, engages in profit-making activities and commits any of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) conducting business with enterprises;

  (2) Owning shares or securities of non-listed companies (enterprises);

  (3) buying or selling stocks or making other securities investments;

  (4) engaging in paid intermediary activities;

  (5) registering a company or investing as a share abroad;

  (6) Other acts of engaging in profit-making activities in violation of relevant regulations。

  Those who buy or sell stocks with the information they have obtained from participating in the reorganization and restructuring of enterprises, private placement of additional shares, merger and investment, land use right transfer, etc., or make abnormal profits by purchasing trust products or funds through the influence of their powers or positions, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Those who, in violation of relevant regulations, take part-time jobs in economic organizations, social organizations or other units, or who have been approved to take part-time jobs but obtain additional benefits such as salaries, bonuses, allowances, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph。

  Article 104 The use of power or position of influence,Seek benefits for spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives and other specific parties in the approval and supervision, resource development, financial credit, bulk procurement, land use right transfer, real estate development, project bidding and bidding, and public finance revenue and expenditure,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Whoever takes advantage of his power or position to help his spouse, children, spouses and other relatives or other specific related persons to attract deposits, promote financial products, or manage special resources of rare and precious specialty products, and seek benefits, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 105 After leaving office or retiring (leaving), he/she, in violation of relevant regulations, accepts employment from an enterprise or intermediary institution in the area and business scope under the jurisdiction of the original post or directly related to the original work and business,Or an individual engages in profit-making activities directly related to the business under the jurisdiction of his original post or the business of his original work,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,The party shall be given a punishment of removal from party posts;serious,He shall be placed under probation in the Party。

  If a leading Party member or cadre, after leaving office or retiring (leaving), violates relevant regulations and takes up the post of independent director or independent supervisor of a listed company or fund management company, if the circumstances are relatively minor, he or she shall be given punishment of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be placed under probation in the Party。

  Article 106 The use of the former power or position of influence after resignation or retirement,Seek benefits for spouses, children, spouses and other relatives and other specific related persons engaged in business activities,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Make use of the influence of the former power or position to seek benefits for others after resignation or retirement,His spouse, children, spouses and other relatives and other specific parties accept the other party's property,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 107 Spouses, children and spouses of leading Party members,Violate relevant regulations by engaging in business activities within the area and business scope under the jurisdiction of the leading cadres of the Party members that may affect their impartial performance of official duties,Or committing other acts in violation of the regulations on business prohibition,The leading cadre of the Party member shall make corrections in accordance with relevant provisions;recalcitrant,He or she shall resign from his or her current post or be adjusted by the organization;Refusing to resign his current post or to submit to the reorganization of his post,The party shall be given the punishment of dismissal from party posts。

  Article 108 Where a Party or state organ conducts business in violation of relevant regulations, the person who is directly responsible and the person who leads the responsibility shall be given a warning or a severe warning.If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 109 Leading cadres of Party members violate the work and living security system,Seek special treatment for oneself, spouse, children, spouses and other relatives, staff around and other specific related persons in transportation, medical care, security, etc,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 110 Whoever infringes upon the interests of the State or the collective in the allocation or purchase of housing, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 111 Use of power or position of influence,Misappropriation of public or private property not in my charge,Or misappropriating public or private property by token payment of money, etc,Or pay gratuitous or symbolic remuneration to receive or use services,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  If the expenses that should be paid by the person, spouse, children, spouse and other relatives, staff members around them and other specific related persons are paid or reimbursed by their subordinate units, other units or others, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be dealt with。

  Article 112 Whoever, by taking advantage of his power or position of influence and violating relevant regulations, occupies public property for personal use for more than six months, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Those who occupy public property for profit-making activities shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who lend public property to others for profit-making activities shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 113 Organizing or participating in banquets, entertainment or fitness activities paid for with public funds in violation of relevant regulations,Or use public funds to purchase gifts or issue gifts, consumption cards (vouchers), etc,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 114 In violation of the relevant regulations, self-set salaries or indiscriminate payment of allowances, subsidies, bonuses, benefits, etc,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Lesser circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 115 If the person who is directly responsible or the leader who is responsible commits one of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) travel with public funds or travel with public funds in the name of learning and training, investigation and research, and staff recuperation;

  (2) changing the official schedule and taking the opportunity to travel;

  (3) To participate in the investigation activities organized by the enterprises under management and subordinate units, taking the opportunity to travel。

  Where public funds are used to travel abroad (in the territory) in the name of investigation, study, training, discussion, investment promotion, exhibition, etc., the persons directly responsible and the leaders responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 116 Those who, in violation of the regulations on reception management, receive meals beyond the standard or scope or take the opportunity to feast and drink excessively shall, if the circumstances are serious, be given a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 117 In violation of the relevant regulations, equipping, purchasing, replacing, decorating or using the means of public transport or committing other acts in violation of the regulations on the administration of the means of public transport,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Article 118 If, in violation of the regulations on the administration of conference activities, he commits any of the following acts, the person who is directly responsible or the leader who is responsible shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning if the circumstances are serious;If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be given a punishment of removal from party posts:

  (1) holding meetings in scenic spots where the holding of meetings is prohibited;

  (2) To decide on or approve the holding of various festivals and celebrations;

  (3) Other acts in violation of regulations on the management of conference activities。

  Where an evaluation is held without authorization to commend or create demonstration activities, or charges fees by means of evaluation to commend or create demonstration activities, the directly responsible person and the leading responsible person shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 119 If, in violation of the regulations on the administration of office premises, he commits one of the following acts, the person who is directly responsible or the leader who is responsible shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious;If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be given a punishment of removal from party posts:

  (1) To decide on or approve the construction and renovation of office buildings, training centers and other buildings;

  (2) over-standard equipment and use of office space;

  (3) Renting or borrowing office space without approval;

  (4) using public funds to charter or occupy a guest room or other place for personal use;

  (5) Other acts in violation of regulations on office occupancy management。

  Article 120 Whoever engages in prostitution for power or gives property for prostitution for money shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 121 Anyone who commits other acts in violation of the rules on honesty discipline shall, depending on the specific circumstances, be given a warning or even expelled from the Party。

  Chapter IX Sanctions against Acts violating discipline of the Masses

  Article 122 If the person who is directly responsible or the leader who is responsible commits any of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, the punishment of warning or serious warning shall be given;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) raising funds from the masses to raise labor or apportion expenses beyond the standard or scope, thereby increasing the burden on the masses;

  (2) to detain or collect money and goods from the masses or punish the masses in violation of relevant regulations;

  (3) embezzling property from the masses, or defaulting on payments to the masses in violation of relevant regulations;

  (4) collecting fees in violation of relevant regulations in management and service activities;

  (5) making things difficult for the masses and taking things from them when dealing with matters involving the masses;

  (6) Other acts infringing upon the interests of the masses。

  Those who commit the above acts in the field of rural revitalization shall be given heavier or heavier punishments。

  Article 123 If a person interferes with the right to autonomy in production and business operation, thereby causing heavy losses to the property of the masses, the person who is directly responsible and the person who leads the responsibility shall be given a warning or a severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Article 124 A warning or severe warning shall be given to anyone who favors friends over relatives or is obviously unfair in matters such as social security, social assistance, policy support, and the distribution of funds and goods for disaster relief;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 125 Using clans or evil forces to oppress the masses, or conniving at activities involving evil and acting for evil forcesThose who "protect the party under an umbrella" shall be revoked from their party posts or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 126 Whoever commits one of the following acts shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation:

  (1) Problems affecting the vital interests of the people, such as production and livelihood, which can be solved in accordance with policies or relevant regulations but are not solved in a timely manner, or are negligent or inefficient, resulting in adverse effects;

  (2) Responding negatively to the demands of the masses in line with policies, shifting blame, and damaging the relationship between the Party and the masses;

  (3) bad, simple and rude attitude towards the masses, resulting in adverse effects;

  (4) resorting to fraud, concealing, and harming the interests of the masses;

  (5) Other acts of inaction, disorderly acts, slow acts, false acts and other acts that harm the interests of the people。

  Article 127 Where State property or the lives and property of the masses are seriously threatened, whoever is able to save them but fails to do so, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning or a serious warning or be dismissed from his post within the Party;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 128 Those who fail to disclose Party affairs, government affairs, factory affairs, village (residential) affairs, etc. in accordance with regulations, infringe upon the masses' right to know, and those who are directly responsible or those who are responsible for leadership, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation。

  Article 129 Anyone who commits other acts in violation of the regulations on mass discipline shall, depending on the specific circumstances, be given a warning or even expelled from the Party。

  Chapter X Punishments for violations of work discipline

  Article 130 Irresponsibility or neglect of management in work,Failure to implement, inspect and supervise the implementation of superior decisions and arrangements,Causing considerable losses to the interests of the Party, the state and the people, as well as to public property,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;Causing heavy damage,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Where leading Party members or cadres passively evade or shirk responsibilities for problems that already exist before they take office and fall within the scope of their duties, causing serious damage or serious adverse effects, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 131 Those who dare not fight or are unwilling to take on responsibilities in their work, or who withdraw from major conflicts or crises or difficulties, thus causing adverse effects or serious consequences, shall be given the punishment of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 132 Whoever commits any of the following acts, causing serious damage or serious adverse effects, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning to those who are directly responsible and those who are in charge;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) Keen on creating public opinion and floating on the surface;

  (2) Simply implement meetings and documents through meetings, and do not show actions in actual work;

  (3) being divorced from reality, not conducting in-depth investigations and studies, and engaging in arbitrary decision-making and mechanical implementation;

  (4) violating the relevant provisions of the fine text reduction Association to engage in the literary mountain and the sea;

  (5) In the work of supervision, inspection and assessment, make layers of extra code, excessive marks, and increase the burden of grassroots work;

  (6) Other formalistic and bureaucratic acts in work。

  Article 133 Failure to perform or incorrect performance of propaganda, education, supervision and management duties in the administration of meals at official activities and meals in the unit canteens,Lead to food waste,Causing serious adverse effects,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,The party shall be given the punishment of dismissal from party posts。

  Article 134 In the establishment of institutions,Do one of the following,Causing adverse effects or serious consequences,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,Be expelled from the Party:

  (1) Unauthorized exceedingAdjustment of responsibilities, establishment of institutions, verification of the number of leadership posts and staffing of personnel within the scope of the "three determinations";

  (2) Illegally interfering in the establishment of local institutions;

  (3) Other acts in violation of the provisions on the management of institutional establishment。

  Article 135 In the process of complaint reporting,Do one of the following,Causing adverse effects or serious consequences,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,Be expelled from the Party:

  (1) failing to accept and handle complaint reporting in accordance with regulations;

  (2) Insufficient handling of large-scale collective visits, leading to the expansion of the situation;

  (3) Insufficient attention and ineffective implementation of suggestions for improvement of work and policies put forward by Party committees and government petition departments, resulting in long-term failure to solve the problem;

  (4) other acts of failing to perform or incorrectly performing the duties of complaint reporting。

  Where failure or incorrect performance of duties leads to the occurrence of a complaint reporting matter, resulting in adverse effects or serious consequences, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 136 If a Party organization commits any of the following acts, the person directly responsible or the leader responsible shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation:

  (1) During the period when a Party member is placed under investigation, authorise him/her to travel, go abroad or resign without authorization, or communicate with him/her, promote him/her to a post or rank, further use him/her, reward him/her, or go through the formalities of retirement;

  (2) Party members who, after being investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, fail to be given Party disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the provisions, or Party members who violate the laws and regulations of the State shall be given Party disciplinary sanctions but not punished;

  (3) Failure to implement the Party's Party membership, position, rank, treatment and other matters in the decision after the Party discipline decision or the decision to review the appeal is made;

  (4) After a Party member has been punished by Party discipline, he/she fails to carry out daily education, management and supervision of the punished Party Member in accordance with the administrative authority of cadres and organizational relations。

  Article 137 In case of abuse of accountability, or serious neglect of responsibility in accountability work, resulting in adverse effects, the person who is directly responsible and the person who leads the responsibility shall be given a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 138 If a person under his management defects due to his irresponsibility in his work, the person who is directly responsible and the person who is in charge shall be given a warning or a severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  If, due to irresponsibility in their work, the personnel under their management flee or leave, the person who is directly responsible or the leader who is responsible, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 139 If the person directly responsible or the leader responsible commits statistical fraud, if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Where serious consequences are caused by neglect of statistical falsification, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be revoked from its post, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 140 Failure to report or truthfully report matters that should be reported when inspecting or inspecting work at a higher level or reporting or reporting work to a higher level,Causing serious damage or serious adverse effects,To those directly responsible and those responsible for leadership,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party or placed under probation。

  Whoever connives, instigates, insinuates or forces subordinates to tell false stories or report false information when they are inspecting or inspecting work at a higher level or reporting to a higher level shall be given a heavier or heavier sanction。

  Article 141 Whoever, in violation of relevant regulations, intervenes in or meddles in market economic activities and commits one of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be expelled from the Party:

  (1) To intervene in the contracting of construction projects, the transfer of land use rights, government procurement, real estate development and management, the exploitation and utilization of mineral resources, and intermediary services;

  (2) interfering in the reorganization and reform of state-owned enterprises, mergers, bankruptcies, property rights transactions, property verification, asset evaluation, asset transfer, investment in major projects and other major business activities;

  (3) To intervene and meddle in approving various kinds of administrative licenses and capital loans and other matters;

  (4) To interfere or meddle in economic disputes;

  (5) To interfere in the use, distribution, contracting and leasing of collective funds, assets and resources。

  Article 142 Interfering in or meddling in judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities in violation of relevant provisions,Ask the relevant local or department about the case, say hello, intercede,Or exert influence on judicial activities, discipline and law enforcement activities in other ways,Lesser circumstances,Give a serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  In violation of relevant regulations, interference and interference in the allocation of public financial funds, project evaluation, merit awards and other activities, causing heavy losses or adverse effects, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 143 If a trustee who, in accordance with relevant provisions, has the obligation to report and register acts of interference or meddling fails to report or register in accordance with relevant provisions, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 144 Disclosing, spreading, probing, or stealing the Party organization's undisclosed matters concerning the selection and appointment of cadres, disciplinary review, inspection and inspection, or other contents that should be kept confidential,Give a warning or serious warning;More serious circumstances,To be removed from party posts or placed under probation;serious,They shall be expelled from the Party。

  Those who without permission retain Party organization related to the selection and appointment of cadres, disciplinary review, patrol inspection and other aspects, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given the punishment of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 145 Any person who, in the course of examination or admission, violates relevant regulations by leaking test questions, cheating in the examination room, altering examination papers, or violating admission rules, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 146 Whoever improperly seeks to use public funds by himself or others to go abroad (territory), if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given the sanction of warning;If the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given the sanction of serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 147 Where a Party member of a temporary overseas mission (group) or personnel extends his/her stay abroad without authorization, or changes his/her route without authorization, the person directly responsible or the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 148 Party members in institutions stationed abroad or temporary missions (groups) going abroad,Violate the laws or decrees of the country or region in which it is located, or disrespect the religious customs of the country or region in which it is located,More serious circumstances,Give a warning or serious warning;serious,They shall be given the sanction of being removed from their posts within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 149 Any person who fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties in the Party's disciplinary inspection, organization, publicity, united front work, organ work and other work, resulting in losses or adverse effects, shall, depending on the specific circumstances, be given a warning or even expelled from the Party。

  Chapter XI: Sanctions for acts violating Life discipline

  Article 150 Whoever leads a luxurious life, is extravagant, pursues pleasure, or pursues vulgar tastes, thus causing adverse effects, shall be given the sanction of a warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 151 Whoever has an improper sexual relationship with another person, resulting in adverse effects, shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Whoever has sexual relations with another person by virtue of his power, upbringing, subordination or other similar relations shall be given a heavier sanction。

  Article 152 A Party member or leading cadre who does not attach importance to the construction of family ethics, loses control and education of his or her spouse, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, shall be given the punishment of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of removing his party post。

  Article 153 Whoever violates the public order and good customs of society, conducts improper words and deeds in public places or cyberspace, resulting in adverse effects, shall be given the sanction of warning or severe warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be revoked from his party post or placed under probation;If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be expelled from the Party。

  Article 154 Anyone who commits other acts that seriously violate social morality or family virtue shall, depending on the specific circumstances, be given a warning or even expelled from the Party。

Annex to Part III

  Article 155 The Party committees of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with these Regulations and in light of the actual conditions of their respective work, formulate individual provisions for implementation。

  Article 156 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Regulations and in light of the actual conditions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, formulate supplementary provisions or individual provisions。

  Article 157 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

  Article 158. These Regulations beginEffective January 1, 2024。

  Before the implementation of these Regulations, if a closed case needs to be reviewed for reconsideration, the provisions or policies at that time shall apply。Cases that have not yet been closed,If the conduct is not considered a violation of the rules or policies at the time of the occurrence,This Ordinance considers it to be a violation of discipline,In accordance with the provisions or policies at the time;If the conduct is considered to be in violation of the rules or policies at the time of the occurrence,It shall be handled in accordance with the provisions or policies of the time,However, if these Regulations are not considered to be disciplinary violations or dealt with relatively lightly,It shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations。

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