Regulations on Organizational Work of the Communist Party of China
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Regulations on Organizational Work of the Communist Party of China
Deliberated and approved by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on April 30, 2021 Promulgated by the CPC Central Committee on May 22, 2021)

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 为了深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,We will implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era,We will make the Party's organizational work scientific, institutionalized and standardized,We will improve the quality of Party organizational work,In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant laws,Enactment of these Regulations。

Article 2 The Party's organizational work is a practical activity whose main content is the construction of the Party's organizational system, the construction of the leading group and the cadre team, the construction of the talent team and the construction of the Party members,It is an important guarantee for consolidating the Party's ruling foundation, realizing the Party's overall leadership and completing all the Party's work,It is the fine tradition and unique advantage of the Party leading the people to continuously win the victory of revolution, construction and reform。

第三条 党的组织工作坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",The main line is to strengthen the construction of the party's long-term governing ability, advanced nature and purity,Take the Party's political construction as the guide,Focus on the construction of organizational system,Focus on cultivating high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible,Focus on gathering outstanding talents in all aspects of patriotic dedication,Give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as bastions of combat and the exemplary role of party members as pioneers,It will provide a strong organizational guarantee for upholding and strengthening the Party's overall leadership and upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Article 4 The Party's organizational work shall follow the following principles:

1. Upholding the overall leadership of the Party;

(2) Adhere to the organizational line and serve the political line;

(3) Upholding democratic centralism;

(4) Upholding the Party's mass line;

5. Upholding Party oversight of cadres and personnel;

(6) Adhere to both virtue and ability, morality first, and appoint people on merit;

7. Ensure full coverage of the Party's organization and work;

(8) Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, fairness and decency;

9. Adhere to laws and regulations and scientific norms。

Chapter II Leadership system and responsibilities

Article 5 The organizational work shall be under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, the leadership of party committees (party groups) at all levels by levels and categories, the special responsibility of organizational departments, and the relevant parties performing their respective duties and cooperating closely。

The Party Central Committee and local Party committees have set up organizational departments, and Party organizations at all levels, people's organizations, state-owned enterprises and public institutions have set up organizational work organs or full-time posts, which are specifically responsible for organizational work。

The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee directs the work of organizational departments at all levels, and organizational departments at higher levels guide the work of organizational departments at lower levels。

Article 6 The Party Central Committee decides on the lines, principles and policies of organizational work,To formulate important intra-party regulations and normative documents for organizational work,To make decisions on major strategies, major reforms, major measures and major matters in organizational work,To give overall leadership to the Party's organizational system building, cadre work, and personnel work,To recommend, nominate, appoint or remove cadres in accordance with relevant regulations。

General meeting of the Party Central Committee5Be held in1The National Organization Work Conference made a comprehensive plan for the organization work in a period of time。

Article 7 A local party committee shall bear the main responsibility for the work of its regional organizations。The main responsibilities are:

(1) To carry out the Party's organizational work line, principles and policies, implement the decisions, arrangements and instructions of the Party Central Committee and higher Party organizations on organizational work, formulate intra-Party regulations and normative documents on organizational work in accordance with their authority, and study and plan major issues and important work in regional organizational work;

(2) To direct the organizational work of the Party's people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, supervisory, judicial, procuratorial, and people's organizations at the corresponding levels, and to guide, urge, and inspect the organizational work of lower-level Party organizations;

(3) To lead the building of the Party's organizational system in the region, and strengthen the building of primary-level Party organizations and Party members;

(4) to appoint, remove and administer cadres in accordance with their administrative powers, and recommend important cadres to local state organs, CPPCC organizations, people's organizations, state-owned enterprises and institutions;

(5) Implement the strategy of strengthening China through human resource development, and coordinate relevant parties to participate in and promote human resource work in the region;

(6) Completing other tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and higher Party organizations。

The leading functions and responsibilities of a leading Party group in the organizational work of its own unit shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions。

Article 8 The main functions and responsibilities of the Organization Department of the Central Committee and the Organization Department of the local Party Committee are as follows:

(1) Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Party Committee at the same level, be specifically responsible for implementing the Party's organizational work line, principles, policies, decisions and arrangements, formulate and draft intra-Party regulations and normative documents on organizational work in accordance with their authority and division of labor, and promote the implementation of organizational systems;

(2) To study important theoretical and practical issues in organizational work, put forward policy suggestions for improving systems and mechanisms, and provide references for decision-making by the Party Central Committee and Party committees at the same level;

(3) To be responsible for building the Party's organizational system, and to strengthen the building of primary-level Party organizations and Party members;

(4) To be responsible for the unified management of the work of cadres and the contingent of cadres, and to be responsible for the specific work related to the construction of leading groups in accordance with the authority of cadres' management and the division of labor;

(5) To be responsible for the guidance and coordination of the work of talents and the contact services of talents;

(6) To be responsible for the unified administration of the work of civil servants;

(7) To be responsible for the unified administration of the work of retired cadres;

(8) Office of the Committee for the establishment of unified management organizations;

(9) Completing other tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and Party committees at the same level。

Chapter III Construction of the Party's organizational system

Article 9 We should adhere to the Marxist principle of building the Party, improve the centralized and unified organizational system for safeguarding the Party, improve the organizational system for connecting the Party from above to below and for effective execution, achieve full coverage of the Party's organization and work, and constantly strengthen the Party's political leadership, ideological guidance, mass organization, and social appeal。

Article 10 In accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution, the Party shall establish and improve all kinds of organizations at all levels, and form a strict organizational structure including the Party's central organization, local organization and grass-roots organization, covering the Party's discipline inspection organs, Party work organs and Party groups, vertical to the end and horizontal to the edge。

To adapt to the development of the situation and tasks, timely adjust and optimize the establishment of Party organizations。A temporary Party organization may be set up in accordance with relevant regulations for the purpose of carrying out a certain task。Unless otherwise provided for, the subordination relationship of grass-roots party organizations is generally regulated and rationalized in accordance with the principle of territorial management。

Article 11 The Central Committee of the Party, the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee are the brain and center of the Party's organizational system, and set the direction, seek the overall situation, formulate policies, and promote reform in advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。We will uphold and improve the Party's leadership system, improve the Party Central Committee's leadership system over major work, improve the mechanism for promoting the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions, plans, and strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting to the Party Central Committee。

Article 12 Local Party committees play a leading role in overall planning and coordinating all parties in their respective regions, giving overall leadership to the economic and social development of their respective regions, taking overall responsibility for party building in their respective regions, and performing their duties of setting the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions and ensuring implementation。We will adhere to and improve the system for the work of local Party organizations, improve the mechanisms for deliberation, decision-making, and oversight, enhance their overall functions, and raise the level of leadership, so that local Party organizations will become strong organizations that resolutely follow the command of the Party Central Committee, exercise strict management, exercise effective oversight, have unified leadership, and have a pure atmosphere。

Article 13 The Party's primary-level organizations are the Party's battle fortress in the primary-level organizations of society and the basis for all the Party's work and combat effectiveness。Adhere to the clear direction of focusing on the grassroots,Focus on improving organization,We will vigorously strengthen community-level Party organizations such as enterprises, rural areas, government offices, schools, hospitals, scientific research institutes, community communities, and social organizations,Promote innovation in organizational Settings and activities,Strengthen the political functions of Party organizations,Choose the best and match the leader of the party organization,We will make primary-level Party organizations in all fields a strong fortress for propagating the Party's propositions, implementing its decisions, leading primary-level governance, uniting and mobilizing the people, and promoting reform and development。

The Party branch is the basic organization of the Party and the basic unit for the work of the Party organization。Comprehensively promote the standardization and standardization of Party branches, strengthen basic work, improve basic systems, improve basic capabilities, implement basic guarantees, and give full play to the responsibilities and roles of Party branches in directly educating party members, managing party members, supervising party members, organizing the masses, disseminating the masses, gathering the masses, and serving the masses。Party branches with a large number of Party members or with relatively scattered places of work and residence of Party members shall be divided into several Party groups in accordance with the principle of facilitating the organization and carrying out activities。

Article 14 The leading Party Group shall play a leading role in its own unit and perform its duties of setting the direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring implementation。Adhere to and improve the work system of the Party group, improve the work rules and decision-making mechanism, adhere to the planning, deployment, promotion and assessment of the Party building work and business work, urge and promote the leading team of the unit to implement the decisions of the Party Group in a timely and comprehensive manner in accordance with the law and regulations, and ensure that the Party's theories and lines and policies are implemented in the unit。

Article 15 The development of Party members and the education, management, supervision and service of Party members shall be carried out with a view to building a team of Party members with firm conviction, political reliability, reasonable structure, good quality, strict discipline and outstanding role。

The development of party members shall, in accordance with the general requirements of controlling the total number, optimizing the structure, improving the quality and playing its role, put political standards in the first place, strict procedures and strict checks to ensure the quality of newly developed party members。We will strengthen the construction of the ranks of active Party members and strengthen the education and training of prospective Party members。


Party member management shall strictly do a good job of party membership management, organizational relationship management, party fee collection and use management, daily supervision, organizational disposal and other work, strengthen and improve the management of mobile party members。In light of the actual situation of party members in different groups, party members shall be organized and guided to play a vanguard and exemplary role。

We will strengthen inner-party encouragement, care and help, safeguard the democratic rights of party members, commend intra-Party members, and do a good job of caring for and serving party members。

Article 16 Uphold democratic centralism, improve and develop intra-party democracy and implement the relevant systems for correct centralism。We will uphold the Party congress system, improve the intra-party election system, and implement the term system for Party congress deputies and the term system for Party organizations at all levels。We will establish and improve a complete organizational system, including organizational setup, organizational life, organizational operation, organizational management, and organizational supervision, and improve the system for Party committees (leading groups) to fully and strictly govern the main body of the Party。

17th strictly implement the "Several Guidelines on the Political Life within the Party under the New Situation", adhere to and improve the democratic life, the organization of life system, perfect"Three meetings and one lesson", theme Party day, heart-to-heart talk, democratic evaluation of party members and other systems,Implement the dual organizational life system for Party members and leading cadres,We will develop a positive and healthy intra-party political culture,Ensure that the organizational life of the Party is regular, serious and serious,We will make it more political, contemporary, principled, and combative,We will continue to strengthen the Party's ability to purify, improve, innovate and improve itself。

第十八条 各级党组织和全体党员必须坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,Insist that individual Party members obey the Party organization,Majority rule,Lower organizations are subordinate to higher organizations,All Party organizations and all Party members are subordinate to the National Congress and Central Committee of the Party。We will implement the strategic plan for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, constantly improve all requirements for organizational discipline, carry out in-depth discipline education, strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of organizational discipline, seriously investigate and punish violations of organizational discipline, and enhance the authority and binding force of discipline, so that orders and prohibitions will be enforced and violations will be prosecuted。

Chapter IV Cadres work

Article 19 Upholding the principle of Party supervision over cadres,Adhere to both virtue and ability, and put virtue first,Insist on appointing people on merit from all over the country,Adhere to the standard of good cadres,Adhere to the correct guidance for employing people,Coordinate the quality training of cadres, governor to identify people, selection and appointment, strict management, positive incentive system construction,Coordinate the building of leading groups and cadres,We will coordinate the construction of cadres in Party and government organs, people's organizations, state-owned enterprises and public institutions,We will strive to build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible。

Article 20 A system of hierarchical and classified management shall be implemented in the work of cadres under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。The Party Committee (Party Group) and its organizational departments shall strengthen the unified management of cadres' work。According to the division of powers, the attributes and characteristics of industries and fields, the establishment of institutions, the business management system and the needs of team construction, the responsibilities, scope, authority, methods and procedures of cadre management are reasonably determined, and the dual management of cadres is done well。

Article 21 The building of a leading group must give priority to the political construction of the Party,Adhere to high standards and strict requirements,We will make overall plans and advance them as a whole,Adhere to the classification of guidance, precise policy,Strict implementation of democratic centralism,Deepen theoretical armament,Optimize team structure,Enhanced overall functionality,Maintain team stability,Improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution,努力把各级领导班子锻造成为忠实践行习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、坚定贯彻落实党中央决策部署的坚强领导集体。

Article 22 Establish and improve the quality training system of source training, tracking training and whole training,Give prominence to political quality,Pay attention to classification,We will strengthen ideological training, political experience, practical exercise, and professional training,Armed with ideology and theory, education in ideals and beliefs, improvement of knowledge structure, and enhancement of ability and quality run through the whole process of cadre growth。We will pay attention to training cadres at the grass-roots level and in difficult and arduous areas, strengthen their spirit of struggle, improve their ability to govern, and enable cadres to keep pace with the development of The Times in terms of political literacy, theoretical level, professional ability, and practical ability。

Article 23 Establish and improve the system of daily assessment, classified assessment and close assessment,Implement a new vision for development,Adhere to the correct performance concept,To distinguish the good from the bad, reward the good and punish the bad, encourage responsibility, and promote development as the basic tasks,Optimize the assessment content and assessment index system,Improve assessment methods,We will coordinate the assessment of peacetime, annual, special and tenure,All-round, multi-channel understanding of cadres,Pay attention to the performance of cadres in major tasks and major struggles。Strengthen the use of assessment results, combine the assessment results with the selection and appointment of cadres, education and training, management supervision, incentive and restraint, accountability and accountability, and promote the formation of the right direction of the competent, the good award, the mediocre, the poor elimination。

Article 24 Establish a sound system of selection and appointment based on virtue, merit and suitable personnel,Give full play to the leadership and gatekeeping role of Party organizations,Put political criteria first,Strictly control politics, conduct, ability, style and integrity,We will strictly implement the principles, conditions and procedures for selecting and appointing cadres,The system of term of office and withdrawal of officials from office will be strictly enforced,Establish a focus on grassroots, pay attention to practice, talk about the burden when the employment orientation,We will improve the quality of inspection visits by officials,Precision science people,We will effectively select good cadres that the Party and the people need and put them to use。We will strengthen oversight over the entire process of selecting and appointing officials, and create a clean and upright environment for selecting and employing officials。

We will broaden the scope of personnel selection and recruitment, promote exchanges between local governments and departments, between regions, between departments, between Party and government organs and between state-owned enterprises, public institutions, and other social organizations, and increase support for the selection of officials for major national strategies through a comprehensive use of assistance and temporary posts。

25th to establish and improve the management of ideology, management work, management style, discipline of the strict management system, focusing on leading cadres, especially the party and government jobs, highlighting the cadresPolitical supervision of the "two safeguards", the observance of the Party Constitution, Party rules and discipline, the Constitution, laws and regulations, the implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies, the implementation of the Central Committee's decisions and arrangements, and the observance of the party's internal political life standards。We will strengthen daily management and oversight over the performance of their duties and responsibilities, and encourage officials to perform their duties, exercise their power, and carry out their work in strict accordance with the system。

Article 26 Establish and improve the advocation of hard work, drive responsibility, cheer up the positive incentive system, adhere to the combination of strict management and love, incentive and restraint, strengthen the encouragement and protection of cadres who dare to act as good, with the correct employment guidance to lead the entrepreneurial guidance of officers。Properly treat and rationally use the officials held accountable and punished,We will improve the system for clarifying and correcting the names of falsely accused officials,We will improve the commendation and reward system,We will implement and improve the salary, welfare and insurance systems for officials,Care for the physical and mental health of officials,We will give more preferential treatment to community-level officials, especially those in difficult and arduous areas,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres and officers in entrepreneurship。

Article 27 Bear in mind the needs of the long-term development of the cause of the Party and the State,We will expand the sources, optimize the structure, improve the methods and improve the quality,Discover and select excellent young cadres from all fronts, all fields and all industries,Optimize growth path,We will establish a mechanism for regular training and training of officials in a coordinated and long-term manner,We will improve the mechanism for timely use and dynamic management,We will improve institutional measures to help outstanding young officials stand out,We will encourage young cadres to strengthen their ideological and theoretical armed forces and practice at the grassroots level to improve their ability to solve practical problems。We will make good use of officials of all ages and optimize the hierarchical structure of the cadre ranks。We will make a coordinated effort to train and select female officials, officials from ethnic minorities, and non-party officials。

Article 28 Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the ranks of civil servants, and improve the unified, standardized and efficient leadership system for civil servants。We will implement the Civil Service Law of the People's Republic of China, improve the civil service system with Chinese characteristics, improve the system of concurrent posts and ranks, recruitment and exchange, assessment, rewards and punishments, training and supervision, establish a standardized and complete legal system for the management of civil servants, and improve a scientific and effective civil service management mechanism。We will adhere to and improve classified management of civil servants, and make management more efficient and scientific。

Article 29: Strictly implement the retirement system for retired cadres, strengthen the ideological and political construction of retired cadres and the construction of party organizations, improve and innovate the service and management of retired cadres, and organize and guide retired cadres to play their role。

Article 30 Adhere to and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the work of institutional staffing, establish and improve the work system of the office of the Committee for the unified management of organizational departments, do a good job in improving the leadership and management system, coordinate the resources of cadres and institutional staffing, and ensure that the management of institutional staffing and cadre management are organically linked。

Chapter Five: Talent work

Article 31 Upholding the principle that the Party governs personnel,Establish a strategic position for talents to lead development,Follow the law of socialist market economy and the law of talent growth,Remove the ideological and institutional obstacles that hinder the development of talents,We will build a scientific, standardized, open, inclusive and efficient talent development governance system,Comprehensively train, introduce and make good use of talents,Focus on gathering outstanding talents in all aspects of patriotic dedication,We will promote the implementation of the strategy of strengthening China through talent and the strategy of innovation-driven development,To provide strong talent support for the great cause of national rejuvenation。

Article 32 Party committees (Party groups) at all levels shall strengthen the leadership of the talent work of their respective departments and units in the region, form a unified leadership of the Party Committee, organize departments to take the lead, relevant departments to perform their respective duties and cooperate closely, employing units to play the main role, and social forces to participate extensively in the Party's talent work pattern。

The CPC Central Committee has set up a Central Coordination group for talent work to provide macro-guidance, overall coordination, policy innovation, key promotion, supervision and inspection of talent work and talent team building across the country。The Central Talent Work Coordination Group has an office, which is responsible for handling the daily work of the Central Talent Work Coordination Group。The office of the Central Talent Work Coordination Group is located in the Organization Department of the Central Committee。

Local party committees shall set up leading (coordinating) bodies for talent work to coordinate the work of talents and the construction of talent teams in their respective regions。The functional departments under the Party committee and the government that have more functions or are more concentrated in the work of talents may, according to the actual situation, set up leading agencies and offices for the work of talents。

Article 33 Focusing on the needs of economic and social development, focusing on major development strategies, strengthening macro planning for the construction of personnel, and cultivating a large number of high-quality personnel with both moral and talent。Adhere to high-end guidance and overall development, organize the implementation of major talent projects, and coordinate the construction of talent teams in various fields。

Article 34 We should develop a global and strategic vision, implement a more active, more open and more effective talent policy, adhere to the use-oriented approach, and gather talented people from all over the world。We will optimize the allocation of human resources, give full play to the decisive role of the market and the role of the government, and encourage and guide the flow of human resources to remote and poverty-stricken areas and frontline communities。

Article 35: Coordinate and promote the reform of talent development system and mechanism and policy innovation,Resolutely abolish only papers, only professional titles, only academic qualifications, only awards,We will improve the mechanisms for introducing, training, using, evaluating, flowing and motivating talents,We will accelerate the establishment of an attractive and internationally competitive talent system,Delegate power to employers,Freeing talent,Stimulate the vitality of talent innovation。

Article 36: We should give full play to the Party's political and organizational advantages and its advantages in keeping close ties with the masses, strengthen political guidance and political absorption of talents in all fields, and guide talents to devote themselves to patriotism and have the courage to innovate and create。Adhere to the system of party committees contacting service experts, improve the working mechanism of leading cadres directly contacting service talents, timely listen to the opinions and suggestions of talents, and care about the work and life of talents。

Article 37 Establish a strong sense of talent, improve the talent service guarantee system, strengthen the publicity of outstanding talents and advanced examples, create a good atmosphere of respect for labor, respect for knowledge, respect for talent, respect for creation, encourage innovation, tolerance of failure, and create a vivid situation in which everyone can become a talent and everyone can give full play to their talents。

Chapter VI Safeguards and supervision

Article 38 Party committees (Party groups) at all levels shall earnestly strengthen their leadership over organizational work, care for and support organizational departments in performing their duties and carrying out their work, rationally allocate organizational staffing, enrich work forces, provide necessary working conditions and financial security, coordinate and coordinate all aspects, and form a joint force for organizational work。Strengthen the construction of the leading team of the organizational department, and pay attention to the selection of cadres who are politically strong, adhere to principles, fair and decent, and have experience in party affairs to serve as the leading cadres of the organizational department。

39th organizational departments shall resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Party committee (Party group), and strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters。We will adhere to and improve the system of ministerial meetings, improve rules of procedure and procedures, and give full play to the collective leadership and gatekeeping role of ministerial meetings。

Article 40 The organizational department shall focus on the main responsibility and main business, improve the working mechanism, optimize the working process, strengthen investigation and research, pay attention to the use of Internet technology, digital technology and information means, and improve work efficiency。

Article 41 Organizational departments shall strengthen the awareness of political organs, take the lead in carrying forward the Party's glorious tradition and fine style of work, and take the lead in strengthening it"Four consciousness", "four self-confidence", and "two maintenance",Adhere to the Party's political construction as the guide,Further promote strict governance of the Ministry, strict self-discipline, strict leadership team,We will strive to build exemplary departments that uphold politics, uphold fairness, do business well, and have a good work style,Let the Party Central Committee rest assured, let party members, cadres and talents trust, and let the people be satisfied。

Strengthen the construction of the team of cadres, strengthen the education of political discipline and political rules, strictly observe the discipline of organizational personnel and confidentiality, adhere to the integrity and integrity, and strive to improve professional capabilities to ensure absolute political reliability and absolute loyalty to the Party。

Article 42 Party committees (Party groups) at all levels shall implement the full responsibility of strictly governing the main body of the Party, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of these Regulations, and incorporate the implementation of these Regulations into the assessment of leading groups and leading cadres, and into the scope of patrol inspections。

Article 43 Those who violate the relevant provisions of these Regulations shall, in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances, be given criticism, education, ordered to be inspected, encouraged, organized to deal with, or be given sanctions in accordance with regulations and disciplines。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 44 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant provisions in accordance with the spirit of these Regulations。

Article 45 The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 46 These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation。


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